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Camp Fire


Cut Wood


Deliverwood is a derivative of Haulageuk Ltd, a family run British company who specialise in timber haulage. 


We supply firewood merchants around the country with raw timber from sustainable, 100% British grown sources. 

As we collect direct from the forest, this enables us to select the best timber for processing into quality kiln dried firewood for our customers.

Green Forest

Our Firewood

Our Firewood

Hand picked from British Woodlands and Forests

We select and load our own timber from British woodlands and forests, before delivering to our site. This ensures we provide our customers with quality graded logs which will create the best firewood.

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Packed into Bulk bags or Boxes

We offer our customers the choice of ordering our firewood in large bulk bags or smaller more manageable boxes.


Processed and Cleaned

We use an efficient high performance firewood processor which provides precise clean cuts, before being handled through a cleaner to remove any unwanted debris. This ensures us a high quality product.


Nationwide Delivery

We deliver our firewood nationally. Bulk bags are fully tracked and delivered kerbside by Response Logistics and small boxes delivered right to your door by APC.


Kiln Dried

All our firewood is kiln dried, ensuring you the lowest moisture content which provide you with the ultimate burn quality with maximum heat output. The kiln drying process in our wood fired kilns remove most of the water for you, down to below an average of 15-20% moisture content. Our firewood is Ready to Burn Certified. More details can be found on the Woodsure page.



We deliver wholesale in 80m3 loose tipped loads. Please click here for more information.


Camp Fire

Woodsure - Ready to Burn

DEFRA have announced their decision to ban the sales of wet firewood in the UK with a moisture content greater than 20% by February 2021 when sold in amounts less than 2 cubic metes and a ban on the sale of the most polluting house coal from 2023.


All firewood suppliers will need to be environmentally conscious and only sell wood of a moisture content of less than 20%. This means that any firewood that is not kiln dried will need to be seasoned for at least two years to get the moisture content down below 20%.

Our Kiln dried logs comply with all regulations and we are an accredited WOODSURE READY TO BURN WOOD supplier consistently supplying quality Kiln Dried Logs. You can find us on Woodsure's website here.

What Is The Woodsure Ready To Burn Scheme?


Woodsure is a not-for-profit organisation, striving to raise the quality of woodfuel in the industry. The Woodsure certification scheme and its logo shows woodfuel users the suppliers and products that they can trust. The team have extensive experience in the woodfuel industry and constantly evolve to keep pace with this rapidly developing sector.


What Does Woodsure do?

The Woodsure Certification scheme comprehensively checks wood fuel producers to ensure that they produce and supply wood fuel to the correct standard. In order to avoid sub-standard fuel and the problems it causes, Woodsure Certification tests the products to EN and Önorm standards for wood fuel quality, which are the requirements that boiler manufacturers and installers specify their customers to use.

The Woodsure Ready To Burn Scheme is the UK’s only quality certification scheme that differentiates us as a responsible, trustworthy fuel supplier. They offer certification for firewood, briquettes, woodchip, hog fuel and pellets


What Does This Mean For You?

Customers purchasing from a Woodsure certified supplier can be assured that the product has been checked and tested, and have demonstrated they are able to produce and supply a quality product. The Woodsure logo enables consumers to easily identify whether fuel is of an appropriate standard for their boiler and wood burner appliances.

The Woodsure assurance means reliable wood fuel that fulfils manufacturer specifications and burns with optimum efficiency, without the risk of damage to your appliance.

Woodsure is the UK's only quality assurance certification scheme for wood fuel. Woodsure certified suppliers are your guarantee of reliable, high-quality wood fuels.

The Ready to Burn certification mark is available to wood log suppliers who can demonstrate to Woodsure their ready to burn logs have a moisture content consistently below 20% and they have been tested by Woodsure to ensure this is true.

The scheme has the backing of Defra, HETAS, the Stove Industry Alliance and Industry representatives, including large producers of pre-packed woodfuel have committed to a scheme that will clearly identify the wood that is ready to burn at the point of sale.







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